SoundCloud - Play Music, Podcasts & New Songs is the top Android apps with over download from Google Play.
This is the popular product of SoundCloud.
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APK file size of this app is 77M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when download to save your 3G data. SoundCloud - Play Music, Podcasts & New Songs works with Android "6.0" and higher version, so please check your system before install. Of course this is the best apps with average rate point is 12 and 4014472 of 5 stars rate. You can view the screenshots below for more detail.
Latest update of apps is 2021-07-15, if you have any trouble with SoundCloud - Play Music, Podcasts & New Songs, feel free to go SoundCloud website(GO) and contact to developer. We hope you enjoyed this apps and rate it or share with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.
Is SoundCloud for free?
SoundCloud is an open platform for both listeners and creators. Anyone can still listen for free and anyone can still upload tracks, as long as they own all the rights to do so.
What is the purpose of SoundCloud?
SoundCloud is an online audio streaming and distribution platform that allows users to upload, stream, promote, and share music and podcasts.
Why is SoundCloud so bad?
SoundCloud has become somewhat notorious in popular culture — notoriously bad. SoundCloud's central feature is its complete lack of gatekeepers. Anyone can upload music, whenever they want, from wherever they want. Even Elon Musk can post his cringeworthy tracks on SoundCloud.
How much does SoundCloud cost per month?
SoundCloud also offers SoundCloud Go for $4.99 per month, which allows users to listen without ads and save tracks for offline listening. The Go+ version offers the benefits of Go as well as high-quality audio and access to the platform's entire catalog of sounds for $9.99 a month.
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